Wish I had some real updates here, but everything is just too hectic to do much lately :-P
Instead, I just wanted to share with the world in general some of the humor I've amassed from IRC. Basically, every once in a while, something funny is said or done and I feel a need to capture it for posterity.
I know this means no one is safe when they share a channel with me, but, bah, what do I care?
Anyway, without further ado, a smaill listing of my favorites:Anyway, those and more can be found here.
- The classic "breast size" conversation from #tfug
- Fat Guy in the Jungle- This is now a running gag in #tfug on irc.freenode.net
- superbenk admits he's a fancy guy
- Dog... it's what's for dinner
- Please change your signoff message if you're going to be so pissy
- Mmmmm... Organs
- ESR Sex Tips - I should apologize to ESR for this... but I wont. It's funny, damnit!
- Fuckin A Dude
- Oral satisfaction
2006 Mar 17 (Fri), 15:45 Server outage
Sad that my posts to my web log lately have all been to warn of server outages, but oh well. The following servers will be down due to a planned server outage:Also down are any other servers that are virtual on these that I may have forgot.
- svn.samhart.net
- svn.tux4kids.net
- pimpscript.net
- trac.tux4kids.net
- trac.samhart.net
- pastafest.org[1]
- rpmstrap.pimpscript.net[2]
- asav.samhart.net
- people.tux4kids.net
This planned outage will be for approximately 12 hours. The big problem is, when it is scheduled to come back online I will be unable to verify that everything is back online.
Basically, if you have any problems with these, you may have to wait until Monday, March 20th, before I can fix them.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
[1] : pastafest.org has a fallover server, and will likely still work
[2] : rpmstrap has a mirror here that will still be active