Here are some demos and code examples I have for various things.

SDL Demos & Examples

Multiple Windows in SDL using simple IPC - multiwin.tar.gz

This is a very simple example code of how to make a multiple windowed SDL app using fork() and pipe(). The code should be POSIX compliant, and might not work in non-POSIX environments (such as Windows... but I have no way of really testing this myself.)
SDL & KDevelop mini-HOWTO

A mini-HOWTO detailing how you can use KDevelop to properly manage an SDL-based project.
SDL & KDevelop
Very Small Example Showing SDL_DisplayFormat Issues - gradtest.tar.gz

This is a very dumb example. I was trying to explain an option to not using SDL_DisplayFormat when having images with "edge" transparency gradiation. Note that here we do not consider SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha!
Fullscreen/Windowed mode flipping in SDL

This is a way to change from Fullscreen to Windowed (and visa versa) in an SDL app. There really isn't anything too complicated here, it is a very simple example. NOTE: In the time since I wrote this demo, there has been a new SDL function added called "SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen" which does this for you. In other words, this demo is dated... ;-)


A Simple XHTML Example w/ CSS

Here is a very simple XHTML example I have made which uses CSS. This example was largely made for a friend who hasn't been in web-design for a few years and does not really know what is currently available. Since others may find this document helpful, here it is.
Using CSS to generate transparent text-boxes

This is a simple example showing how you can use CSS to generate transparent text-boxes in your HTML documents as well as and extension of the idea to make "windows" in your web-pages.